5 Reasons Teachers are the Perfect Fit for Corporate Jobs in Education Companies
Jan 03, 2024Teachers are the perfect fit for many roles at education companies. There are so many EdTech companies eager to hire former teachers, you just need to put yourself out there (the right way).
The reasons below transfer to pretty much any EdTech company looking to hire former teachers - they’re completely universal, and for good reason. Once you understand these reasons and take time to reflect on your unique experiences and skill set, you can better understand how you need to present yourself on your resume, in your interviews, and even on the job.
You are the vision and voice of their ideal customer
Most of you may know that the globally recognized term “EdTech” was coined as an abbreviation for “Education Technology” and at the very heart of EdTech companies is education. So, ask yourself these simple questions:
Who knows education better than teachers?
Who understands the hard work it takes to authentically engage students, to successfully differentiate, and to effectively personalize instruction better than a teacher?
Who understands the daily challenges of being in the classroom and the resources/supports that, if offered, could save time and make life easier better than a teacher?
It’s for these reasons (and many more) that the vision and voice of teachers (just like you) are critical to the success of all EdTech companies. Don’t underestimate the power of understanding the daily work of being a teacher! Throughout my decades years in education and EdTech, my voice has been valued by many EdTech companies. Your voice can be heard too!
You are their passion and purpose
Great teachers don’t just teach the curriculum, give homework and grade assessments. Great teachers change lives and make our world a better place to live in.
It’s this passion and purpose that teachers possess that education companies desperately need to ensure the products they are creating and the vision they are selling is authentic. EdTech companies are always looking for employees that bring the same passion and purpose that their school district customers possess. Don’t underestimate the power of your passion and purpose.
You are a creative problem solver and collaborator
What do you do when you don’t have a tool or resource you need? What do you do if you identify a problem in the school or your classroom that needs to be fixed? Do you cry to your administration? Do you avoid teaching a new unit? No! You find a way to make it work.
Teachers have a unique gift of identifying problems, finding solutions and collaborating with peers to improve the learning experience for students. Teachers are resourceful and find creative solutions to challenges.
You don’t let ambiguity and lack of direction stop you in your tracks.
Maybe you write a Donors Choose Grant to receive the funding you need to purchase a new resource or maybe you search for treasures at garage sales that will engage your students in your upcoming Science lesson. This type of resourcefulness is an asset to any hiring manager.
People managers have a lot on their plate and they don’t want to have to micromanage a new employee. EdTech companies are constantly looking for employees who possess a proactive mindset to identify problems, develop creative solutions and collaborate with their peers to roll those solutions out to other colleagues and/or new customers. Don’t underestimate the power of being a problem solver and team player!
You know the importance of student success
SPOILER ALERT - People don’t become teachers for the money or for the recognition our profession offers. We become teachers because we deeply care for our students, we know how important teachers are to changing kids’ lives, and we believe that teaching gives us the chance every single day to improve the world we live in.
Because of this belief, teachers thrive on the success of our students. Whether you implement a new behavior intervention that totally changes your classroom environment or you create a new system for students to learn their math facts, you are constantly striving for success for yourself and the students in your class.
This type of go-getter attitude is an attractive quality that is hard to find out in the workforce. Don’t underestimate the power of your pursuit of success!
You understand failure is crucial for growth
The growth mindset is not just for kids, it is for adults too. You understand growth mindset and you know you will not always be perfect. Great teachers consistently reflect on their practice, celebrate their successes, recognize their failures, adjust and move forward.
As a teacher, you are very aware of your strengths and weaknesses and you know how to work hard to improve year-after-year. Healthy companies run under the same mindset: release a product, collect data, evaluate effectiveness, dive-deep into failures, adjust, re-release. See the pattern? Don’t underestimate the power of having the courage to ‘fail forward’.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lead professional development for McGraw-Hill, write lesson plans for Mystery Science or help Discovery Education reach more teachers and students?
Education Companies love to hire teachers to fill key roles within their companies, but it can be confusing for teachers to know how to find jobs and if they are qualified for roles within education companies. That’s where EdTech School can help. In these courses and Community, you will clearly understand the major differences between working for a school district and an education company. You'll know the various types of roles available for former teachers and understand how to evaluate roles to see if they are the right fit for you. Come join us!
If you're looking for a new fulfilling career, trying to upskill in your role, building your own business, or growing your business, I want to work with you.
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