Tools You Need to Know to Get a Job in EdTech

career transition leaving teaching Jul 26, 2023
A woman looking at business tools on her iPad

Think of your students’ favorite online tool. Think of the lessons they go through - they’re engaging, they’re standards-based, they’re well-crafted. Well, it takes a learning design team to create those fun and educational lessons and games.

If you’re a transitioning educator wondering how you can land a learning design job at an EdTech company, here are some of the tools you should know.

Why do you need to know these tools now?

While you’re not expected to know everything right off the bat, especially as a former educator, it can set you far apart from other candidates if you know the basics of the job you’re performing.

You’ve created lesson plans, you’ve invented games for your students, but you’ve probably never done this with advanced software for a profit.

You don't need to know all of these or their more intricate features (especially because every company is different and uses different tools), but taking a course on a few of these tools really can make you stand out in an interview. Plus, you’ll feel a lot more confident on your first day on the job.

Another reason you’ll want to know about these tools and how to use them is to decide if this is really for you. The idea of joining a learning design team might sound exciting, but you might realize that it’s not all you thought it would be. It’s better to know that now than a month into your new position.


Common Learning Design Tools and Software

  1. Authoring Tools

    These tools are used to create e-learning courses, simulations, and other instructional content. Some popular authoring tools include Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and Camtasia.

  2. Learning Management Systems (LMS)

    An LMS is used to deliver, track, and manage training or learning programs. Moodle, Blackboard, and Canvas are some of the most widely used LMSs.

    You’re probably used to these and maybe even over them, but now you need to look at them from behind the scenes. You’re not a teacher using them, you’re a learning designer making them better for teachers and students.

  3. Graphic Design Software

    Graphic design software such as Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are used to create visually appealing training materials, such as infographics, diagrams, game characters, and overall branding.

    For some roles in marketing, sales, etc., an intermediate knowledge of Canva can be plenty enough to help you succeed in your role. However, for learning design, you’re likely going to need more than that. You are applying to be a designer after all.

  4. Video Editing Software

    Video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro are used to create and edit instructional videos.

    Knowing how to use the basic software that came with your computer isn’t going to cut it. If you’ve never taken a video editing course or haven’t gotten certified in Adobe, I highly recommend doing so because it’s far more complex than it seems.

  5. Virtual Classroom Software

    Virtual classroom software such as Zoom and WebEx are used to conduct live online training sessions.

    Good thing you’re likely already familiar with these, but think about them from a company and team’s perspective. How can you utilize them to convey your educational material?

These are just a few examples of the products commonly used by instructional designers. The specific tools used may vary depending on the project requirements, the preferences of the designer, and the company’s existing procedures or even their budget.

Again, you won’t be expected to know all of these, but if you’re looking for something to make you a more attractive candidate, you need the hard skills involved with understanding these common learning design tools.

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