EdTech Connect

A community of EdTech employees coming together to network, upskill, and support one another while staying informed about industry trends

EdTech Connect is a membership site exclusive to current EdTech employees. It includes live networking events, an online community, a private podcast, courses, and industry updates. It also allows you to continue to grow in your career while staying connected to peers across the EdTech landscape.

Join the community. Start Networking.

And learn a little something, too. 

Membership Perks

Community: Online community to interact with your peers & discuss relevant topics

Learn: Book Clubs, courses, study guides, and masterclasses for every experience level

Product: Gain industry knowledge by learning 4-6 new EdTech products every month

Media: Access to our community of 220,000+ educators and EdTech connections

Career: Looking for your next role? Advice, job boards, resume coaching, and more

Network: Join a lunch and learn, speed network at a live event, or join a fishbowl and observe

Office Hours: Carrie is live in the community a few hours a week to point you in the right direction

The founding members of EdTech Connect were hand-picked by Carrie. They are pillars of the community and are there to share knowledge, encourage others, and continue to grow themselves.

I’m the EdTech Connector.

I love introducing the right people at the right time.

There are very few people in this country who can match Carrie Conover’s ability to make a tangible, practical, and yet transformative change in the lives of educators and the subsequent impact on our nation’s education industry as a whole. Carrie is one of the rare leaders who has not only walked a mile in the shoes of an educator, a corporate executive, and an entrepreneur but she has been highly recognized and accomplished in each role. Her extensive industry connections, practical skill set, diverse experiences, and genuine heart for doing what’s best for teachers makes her one of our country’s most sought-after thought leaders.”

Katie Bradigan, Head of Engagement, Defined Learning

Founding Members

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Great for Individuals

  • Great if you want to test the waters

  • Charged monthly, easy self-cancel

  • Instant access to content and community

  • Monthly Networking Events

  • New content delivered each monthly



Popular with Companies

  • Easy for company reimbursement 

  • No need to worry about monthly charges

  • Instant access to content and community

  • Monthly Networking Events

  • New content delivered each month